it' a 2009 Japanese animated science fictionromance film directed by Mamoru Hosoda, animated by Madhouse and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures
The film tells the story of Kenji Koiso, a timid eleventh-grade math genius who is taken to Ueda by twelfth-grade student Natsuki Shinohara to celebrate her great-grandmother's 90th birthday. However, he is falsely implicated in the hacking of a virtual world by an artificial intelligence. Kenji must repair the damage done to the virtual world and he must find a way to stop the artificial intelligence from causing any further damage.
i love to watch this anime..fascinating, funny and adventurous.. among the values that i learnt from this anime are:
1- being someone who is intelligent is one of the tremendous use it properly for the good of others and a way to help people..
2- love our family and respect the elders as they probably know better than us..
3- to be responsible in whatever mistakes that we do and try our best to make it right
4- don't ever give and keep on trying cause we may find the solution..pray hard to God +_+
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