Thursday, February 16, 2012


I met a teacher today..she's pretty warmth and welcoming..she looks healthy and happy..she was admitted due to generalized oedema for the past 3 weeks time, worsening during morning where she noticed puffiness over the face especially on left side and over the evening where she need to drag her feet in order to walk..she also complaint of passing out frothy urine for the past 2 weeks which made her more worried as whenever she pass out it bubbling's not usual right..she told me that she need to ask permission from the headmaster to wear slipper as the swollen feet could not fit the shoes..she became easily dyspnoiec especially during exertion, plus she need to rest a bit before the lecture

when i asked her more, she claimed that she has been experiencing red flush over the cheeks, multiple joint pain, sensitivity to light for the past one year..have you got any idea of what she might be having?? i'm thinking of SLE and currently complicated with nephrotic syndrome

in the ward, doctor ordered her to collect the 24H urine for 24H urine protein and she was on strict nephrotic chart. she told me that since admission, she felt better as she frequently urinate as she took diuretic (frusemide), alhamdulillah the oedema slowly planned for renal biopsy..and serial blood investigations has been sent (dsDNA, ANA, C3 C4) in order to confirm the diagnosis..

one thing i learn today is the importance of taking a good care of our own body..cause we might seem healthy but we may not know what's happening within..i know that some diseases is idiopathic..but to have thought that how bad my life is worried me most @..@, i stop to jog for almost 1 and half years, hailooo!! how am i going to look like when i'm 4os or 50s and even 60s..if possible i don't wanna lie on the hospital bed being cachexic hoping for others to look over me..i wanna be healthy for the rest of my life insyaAllah..o Allah please give me strength to live healthier..amin...

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