Without Allah
Our soul is empty...
Our mind goes crazy...
Our body feels lethargy...
Without love
Our soul is filled with hatred...
Our mind is full with revenge...
Our body will never be at ease...
Theres always tears..
As well as fears..
Without Allah
Our soul is empty...
Our mind goes crazy...
Our body feels lethargy...
Without love
Our soul is filled with hatred...
Our mind is full with revenge...
Our body will never be at ease...
Theres always tears..
As well as fears..
I will start working by next 2 weeks... Where i'll be, nobody knows expect for Allah and the human resource dept of KKM.. Which posting, i'm not sure.. How it will be, i'm scared thinking bout it..
O Allah do help me..only You knows what's the best for me.. Give me the strength that i need to endure all the circumstances and challenges..
Help me to be the person whom i suppose to be.. You are the reason for me to keep on living.. Help me to be somebody..
Life is challenge..
To know that you need Allah in life will motivate you to be the best worshiper and the good follower..
And to know that there's challenges upfront help us a lot on terms of readiness..
And to know that you can't expect others to put themselves in your shoes will teach you bout acceptance and destiny..
And to know that you can't get anything with laziness will push you forwards to be hardworking..
And to know that love is needed in life will transform you to a loving and caring person..
And to know that dreams are important, you'll try hard to pursue forward..
And to know that positive mind is precious, you'll never regret for things that happen in your life..
Happy eid mubarak..
May Allah grants us peace & baraqah..
Sometimes, we may not get what we want..
Though we want it so badly..
And the fact that we should accept it with open ♥ is not so easy..
As we might curse or hate other people so bad..
Whatever happen..
We should admit that we'r only human and we'r not the PLANNER..
Don't go beyond the limit as we may questioned the Almighty..
Accept it..
So that we'll be blessed InsyaAllah..
Ya Allah permudahkanlah segala urusanku malah semua urusan muslimin serta muslimat~
Kadang2 kita lupa bahawa kita Allah yg punya malah kita xpunya ap2...
Kita jd gundah gulana risau segala benda...
Bahawa Allah sentiasa ad...
(Al-Baqarah :186):Dan apabila hamba-hambaku bertanya kepadamu
tentang aku,maka jawablah,Bahawasanya aku adalah dekat.aku
mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia memohon
kepadaku,maka hendaklah meeka beriman kepada-ku agar mereka selalu
berada dalam kebenaran.
Just live well and give your full blast...
May Allah ease our path and lead us the way ♥
InsyaAllah ^^
Life ain't easy...
Life will never be easy if have that kind of thought... Cause whatever it is, our actions are very much related to our thought...
So, negative thought will end up with low self esteem, laziness, low productivity, n in the end failure...
But positive thought will produce a healthy energetic body that can work well which will bring us success insyaAllah...
So, in conclusion get rid of all those bad thoughts that surround our mind and replace it with something refreshing and good...
Pray hard to Allah.. He knows better ♥
I'm taking care of my aunty at the hospital. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, mets to d bone and liver. Initially it was stage 2 and she had undergone lumpectomy with axillary clearance together with chemo as well as radiotherapy.
She completwd all the tx. She was well for almost a year where she able to go to work, teaching and she gain her weight back.
Then, suddenly she complaint of bone pain at the back as well as at the thorax area. She went to see doctor and several Ix was done. They noted as above.
Initially she still able to walk but then slowly she need support to stand as well as to walk. She loose her appetite and weight once again. She stopped going to school and been admitted for few times for treatment. She stayed with us for almost 3 months.
But as she looked unwell ayah su brought her here again.
Now, she looked better. She able to eat well though she still vomit whenever bitter or oily meds was given to her. She able to BO after 10 days of constipation.
Hopefully she'll gain her strength back and we can go back to our home, reunite back with the rest of the families for this coming aid mubarak ^^
Bila Allah uji..Allah je yg tahu ap kita rasa..mungkin x rasa ap2 atau pn mmg kita akn affected gila2...
[2:155] Dan sungguh akan Kami berikan ujian kepadamu, dengan sedikit ketakutan,
kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berikanlah berita
gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar.
Ap pn org yg hebat adalah bilamana sehebat mana pn dia diuji..dia sentiasa igt pd Tuhannya.muhasabah dirinya malah xkn membiArkn keadaan menggelamkn diri dia...
[3:186] Kamu sungguh-sungguh akan diuji terhadap hartamu dan dirimu. Dan
(juga) kamu sungguh-sungguh akan mendengar dari orang-orang yang diberi
kitab sebelum kamu dan dari orang-orang yang mempersekutukan Allah, gangguan
yang banyak yang menyakitkan hati. Jika kamu bersabar dan bertakwa, maka
sesungguhnya yang demikian itu termasuk urusan yang patut diutamakan.
Menulis psl sabar ni x bermaksud sy cukup sabar orgnya..betah dlm ap saja yg diuji..tp bilamana iman kita diuji kembalilah padaNya..kne fikir bnyk kali sebelum kata itu ini...
Dont blame others..but look upon ourselves and ask what have we done..what can we do..and what do we learn...
Kita akn rasa kitalah plg teruk diuji..walhal ad yg lebih teruk pd kita..belajar dr org sekeliling kita..gunakan mata tadahkan telinga...
Kne syukur selalu.at least Allah syg kita sbb tu Allah uji kita..Allah kisah pd kita..nk kita kembali padaNya..nk kita jd kuat tabah cekal..jd hebat...
[21:35] Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Kami akan menguji kamu
dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai ujian (yang sebenar-benarnya). Dan
hanya kepada Kamilah kamu dikembalikan.
Betapa kecil atau besar kesalahan kita...
Tempat kembali kita hanya padaNya...
Tapi persoalan timbul...
Adakah kelak Tuhan akn tetap disisi kita...
Adakah Tuhan bisa membantu kita...
Tepuk dada...
Tanya iman kita...
How deep our faith is...
How strong the belief that we hold with...
How much dua that we pray for...
Cause Allah, our God...
He'll never be far...
But we're the one who step afar...
Instinct is somehow important....
Whenever u feel someone is mad at you...
It might be true...
So maybe you can ask them what went wrong...
And if it is true that you hurt their feelings...
You can ask for forgiveness...
Being human...
One of our weakness...
Is the sense of ego...
The feeling of
i'm right & you're wrong...
Who thought you that...
We're human who're weak...
We'll never be that perfect...
So be true to ourselves...
Be humble and admit our own mistakes...
Maybe you'll see yourself as a loser...
Believe me that you're the champion...
To win against your ego as well as the madness...
So you're the winner...
One with great mind and soul ^^
Isn't great to spent time in the kitchen..
Yes indeed ^^
Mom always remind us to:
1) to say bismillah before start cooking
2) to praise the prophet by selawat
3) to b happy while cooking
4) to cook with sincere ♥
5) to prepare all the cooking materials
6) not to b too strict
InsyaAllah A happy delicious meal ready to b served ^^
Ssh bila persoal tentang cinta...
Sbb cinta bisa buat hati jd gundah gulana...
Tp persoalannya adakah benar perasaan yg kita rasa...
Atau hanya nafsu semata-mata...
Atau dari Tuhan yg Maha kuasa...
Tentang dia...
Benarkah dia orangnya...
Entah x tahu ap jawapannya...
Hanya ad padaNya...
Mungkin bila kita cuba mencari cintaNya...
Akn hilang segala kekhuatitan d jiwa...
Berakhirlah perjalanan sebagai penunggu cinta...
Kerna cinta yg hakiki tegar dalam jiwa...
Bila sampai masanya...
Akn dtg pd kita cinta...
Pada sang teruna...
Buat peneman sepanjang masa...
Hingga kehujung usia...
Sabarlah wahai jiwa...
Cinta xkn kemana...
Hanya menunggu utk dibaja...
Kembang mekar sentiasa...
Pada Tuhan serahkn segalanya...
Kerna Dialah yg mencipta...
Maha tahu segala-galanya...
~drctasma^^ 0745.140712
He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected. (Qur'an, 53:45-46)
Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then a blood-clot which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? (Qur'an, 75:37-39)
Kazuko Yoshiyama, a third-year middle school student, is cleaning the school science lab with her classmates, Kazuo Fukamachi and Gorō Asakura, when she smells a lavender-like scent and faints. After three days, strange events transpire around Kazuko, including the burning of Gorō's house after an earthquake. The next morning, at the exact moment of a car accident, Kazuko is transported 24 hours into the past.
She relives the day and relates her strange experience to Kazuo and Gorō. They don't believe her at first, but they are convinced when she accurately predicts the earthquake and ensuing fire. Fukushima, their science teacher, explains Kazuko's new ability as "teleportation" and "time-leap". To solve the riddle of her power she must leap back four days.
Finally, Kazuko's determination enables her to make the leap. Back in the science room she meets a mysterious man who has assumed her friend Kazuo's identity. He is really "Ken Sogoru", a time-traveler from AD 2660. His intersection with the girl's life is the accidental effect of a "time-leaping" drug. Ken remains for a month and Kazuko falls in love with him. When he leaves, he erases all memories of himself from everyone he has met, including Kazuko. As the book ends Kazuko has the faint memory of somebody promising to meet her again every time she smells lavender.
a story that convey the message of the importance of not to misuse the gift/opportunity given for our own benefits while troubling others