Saturday, May 25, 2013


it ends today... After all, i feel relieved.... It's hard but i need to overcome this...

Thank you Allah for keeping mr sane n realize that life ain't easy...

Thank you for making me realize that i may not get everything that i want in life but i already got what i need to pursue my life...

Thank you for not making me further away from you...

O Allah...

Thank you for all the strength and blessed...

Help me o Allah...

To be one of those people who're devoted n deeply in loved with You... Worshipping with all my might...

Help me... Forgive me...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Bangun dari lena....

Lama x menjengah...

Dh sampai masa untuk bangun dari angan2 kosong...masa berlalu...cepat...kalau dinilai balik...theres nothing to be proud of...

Dh tiba masa utk bekerja semula...dn utk kali ni...btul2 kne kuat supaya x jatuh lagi...

Memang indah kalau dikenang masa betul ke indah...atau hina di mata tuhan sebenarnya...

Hidup bukan utk esk je utk aln dtg dn yg plg pntg bila tiba masa untuk mengadap Tuhan...

Ya Allah bg ak kekuatan utk teruskn...utk menambah kebaikn...utk buang semua keburukan...supaya ak sentiasa indah di sisi Mu ya Allah...

Friday, August 31, 2012


Without Allah
Our soul is empty...
Our mind goes crazy...
Our body feels lethargy...

Without love
Our soul is filled with hatred...
Our mind is full with revenge...
Our body will never be at ease...

Theres always tears..
As well as fears..

The up coming life

I will start working by next 2 weeks... Where i'll be, nobody knows expect for Allah and the human resource dept of KKM.. Which posting, i'm not sure.. How it will be, i'm scared thinking bout it..

O Allah do help me..only You knows what's the best for me.. Give me the strength that i need to endure all the circumstances and challenges..

Help me to be the person whom i suppose to be.. You are the reason for me to keep on living.. Help me to be somebody..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pursuit of happiness

Life is challenge..

To know that you need Allah in life will motivate you to be the best worshiper and the good follower..

And to know that there's challenges upfront help us a lot on terms of readiness..

And to know that you can't expect others to put themselves in your shoes will teach you bout acceptance and destiny..

And to know that you can't get anything with laziness will push you forwards to be hardworking..

And to know that love is needed in life will transform you to a loving and caring person..

And to know that dreams are important, you'll try hard to pursue forward..

And to know that positive mind is precious, you'll never regret for things that happen in your life..

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Happy eid mubarak..
May Allah grants us peace & baraqah..

Sometimes, we may not get what we want..
Though we want it so badly..
And the fact that we should accept it with open ♥ is not so easy..
As we might curse or hate other people so bad..
Whatever happen..
We should admit that we'r only human and we'r not the PLANNER..
Don't go beyond the limit as we may questioned the Almighty..

Accept it..
So that we'll be blessed InsyaAllah..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hidup ini indah

Ya Allah permudahkanlah segala urusanku malah semua urusan muslimin serta muslimat~

Kadang2 kita lupa bahawa kita Allah yg punya malah kita xpunya ap2...
Kita jd gundah gulana risau segala benda...
Bahawa Allah sentiasa ad...

(Al-Baqarah :186):Dan apabila hamba-hambaku bertanya kepadamu
tentang aku,maka jawablah,Bahawasanya aku adalah dekat.aku
mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila dia memohon
kepadaku,maka hendaklah meeka beriman kepada-ku agar mereka selalu
berada dalam kebenaran.

Just live well and give your full blast...
May Allah ease our path and lead us the way ♥
InsyaAllah ^^