Sunday, February 26, 2012


it's easier to say that " naa, i'm not angry anymore +_+" but deep within there may be some anger doesn't feel good aye whenever we're mad at someone..the feeling kinda make our chest become tight and somehow make us to breath deeper..emm

don't get mad..naa who's in this world who'll never get angry..i know someone who hardly get mad..our lovely Prophet Rasulullah s.a.w..he's great aye..his patience, warmth, love ans passion upon human is remarkable..that's what make others to LOVE him +_+

so, in conclusion, try to have all the criteria that the Prophet has..we may not be as perfect as him, but we may be the person with those positive auras aye +_+

chaiyok ct!!!! keep your head down..down to the're way beyond capacity to LIVE WELL without ALLAH's LIVE WELL to GAIN HIS that you'll be wayyy to far to reach the HELL, gambattene!!

'Surely there is in the body, a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted; and that is surely the heart/soul ♥ '
(Al- Bukhari)


  1. Replies
    1. xla..huu..xmarah..terlintas dek kenangan..ok ja insyaAllah

  2. Hanya perkongsian..

    Allah Maha Pengampun. Berapa banyak kesalahan kita.. fizikal, percakapan, perbuatan, lintasan hati.. yang membawa kepada dosa setiap hari, setiap masa, setiap saat.

    Tapi.. Allah Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang, tetap memberi peluang pada hambaNya tuk merasa nikmat kehidupan, nikmat ibubapa, kasih sayang, nikmat melihat, nikmat merasa.. dan pelbagai lagi..

    Allah Maha Pengampun pada hambaNya yang bertaubat..

    Kita pula? Baru sikit diuji, sangatlah susah nak memaafkan. Mengungkit.. Simpan dalam hati... Bila sampai masanya, tiba2 meletup..

    Muhaasabah diri sama2.. Begitu juga dgn saya yg lemah ini.. Pujuklah hati itu utk sentiasa menyayangi.. Memaafkan..

    Ikhlas kan hati...


    1. syukran duhai sahabat +_+ kita hamba mmg x punya apa2..jauh sekali sifat amarah yang mana hanya berhak untuk manusia, lemah juga.. so ad juga perasaan kne cepatttt2 buang..dush3 +_+ insyaALlah moga hati kita penuh dgn kemaafan dan kasih syg..amin @.@
